Fibre to the Home/Premises (FTTH / FTTP / FTTx) is becoming more common if not mainstream.  Gone are the days of slow connectivity using dialup technology having been replaced with highly scalable, high capacity fibre optic connectivity capable of delivering symmetrical 100Mbps, 1Gbps and even 10Gbps connectivity right to the door.   This connectivity paves the way for all the benefits of improved health care, education, financial applications,  economic activity, entertainment and social media.  These networks have unique challenges in constructing and manage hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of fibre connections to the subscribers in the most cost effective way.  At TANEx, we are living this world completing designs, commissioning and management of these networks in all parts in the country.  We understand the challenges, the benefits and the technology to make this dream a reality!

  • Facilitate the development of a vision and strategic objectives for a community or region.
  • Assess the existing state, needs and provide a gap analysis and recommendations on improvements.
  • Budgetary guidance.
  • Ability to work with multiple parties and construction crews to get it done!
  • Thorough understanding of the technology and components.
  • Design, commissioning and operational expertise.
  • Deep technical experience of the technologies and techniques used to create the high density, high capacity networks.


  • Network design, commissioning and operations.
  • FTTP technology such as GPON and Active Ethernet.
  • RF over Fibre (RF Overlay).
  • Managment and monitoring.
  • Internet backhaul and connectivity to the Internet exchange.
  • Local and long distance fibre optic networks.
  • Traffic management.
  • Internet peering.
  • Subscriber management.